A Person is Silly
Snap your fingers for this classic tale will soon smooth the fire in the heart. The heart of a person surrounded by love. For the love of god why are questions not being asked. Asked around, they did, but a good lot of good was done for that lost lost cause. Cause really when all's said and done who will be there to make tea when you can't bear to get up. Up and down a swing set makes it's travel it's life work led up to this accomplishment. What would accomplishing this task give to a freezing child from a Dickens's story when nothing actually matters but doesn't that mean everything does. It does not! Shouts a person when someone else accused them of looking like they were crying when all the person really wanted to do was tell them that one joke that wouldn't make sense not cry in front of strangers. A stranger to heartache is synonymous with sirens if you don't believe in that sort of thing and a certain person really really doesn't. Doesn't that make you want to listen to mobsters in suits drink in a club with music covered in smoke? A person must have smoked something because that song of mind-numbing, earth-crushing waves came from the back of their head not the headphones don't be silly. Being silly is what it all's about but that means there's underlying context a person could play off as silly. Which is silly.