Persephone: Stockholm syndrome
By: Cheyenne Green
I was picking flowers in a vast field,
Suddenly the earth gouged open and did not yield.
The king of the underworld emerged,
He firmly but, kindly took me and we submerged.
I had no clue to what in heavens was going on,
Soon after my mother realized i was gone.
Mothers grief ravaged the earth,
She had cherished me since birth.
Zues, My father, king of Mt.Olympus saw the lost,
Mother had neglected her duties and earth saw cost.
I was finally ordered to go back to mother,
I thought to myself, “Should I stay rather?”.
Hades, although king of death and despair,
His compassion and love towards me was fair.
The fear of losing me made him cunning
I ate seeds from there, to ensure no running.
The news brought forth to mother was filled with dread,
A deal was forged at least I can see mother; though I’m wed.
In summer, I'm with mother and all is fertile and warm,
However in winter, I am not, and it looks like a storm.