To Perm or Not To Perm
To perm or not to perm-that is the question:
Whether it is nobler in the mind to embrace the kink
The twist outs, the rollers and the de-tangler
Or to take a hot comb to those sea of curls
And by pressing, end them. To perm, to relax –
No more – and by relax to say we end
The flat iron’s heat of a thousand suns or
The singe of the scar above your ear
Women everywhere demand yet detest.
To perm, to relax – perchance to fight for the right
to whip my hair back and forth.
Yes, there is the catch. For the perm
Chases away the freedom of the fro’
The kindness of the kink, the courage of the curl
To keep us from wandering into unknown territory.
And thus the maintenance of the hair
Casts shade over brave thoughts
To further delay the breakthrough
Of a fresh weave- Soft you now, curly locks
Be all my perms remembered.