The Periscope Mind

With-in the preceptor,perception. The periscope mind, one can render, Peri-copacetic comparison, equal to Peri. The cats meow of fairies and as jinxing of genies.with the ability to relinquish panoramic views of common thoughts and common spoken word prose as lined common to equal-latural triangles have bridged appendages twenty two points five degrees and forty five on both adjacent angles or eleven point five degrees with forty five on the other adjacent angles, henceforth fibonacci hinge as a key ring with all tri- angles isometrics hindering render nesting or symmetry, allowing physics physical notion a unhindered being emerging vibrant Peri in orders court.
Similarly, a court of conjoined signs, like northern lights, clouds a shape nested in memories or dreams,sympathetic-wonders at solutions bringing the best sympathetic dream could! Jurying A mystical mythology Peri in line concisely ordered from refrain. The lines are a simple solution. To coloring a kindergarten pre-drawn art to art apone by young students for the practice of the respective respect.
As two adults sit and chatter about many things perisco centric conclusive peach blossom relinquish the faerie, with in periscope 2024 writing contest while lingeringly inquiry to Peri the mythology God Peri Ecocentric blooms peach Castle of Peri Fairies.
Written by John Marshall Rolfe age 44 address 352 Texas ave room6 Bangor Maine 04401 phone number 207-2916369

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