Perceptions are Not Realities
I am not what you perceive me to be
Just because I am a latina , and taina female, I do not deserve your scornful stares looking down and trying to decipher me
I am neither lazy, searching for comfortably , obese, short, weak, meek, voiceless, nor psychologically needy.
Instead, I am strong, intelligent, fearless, beautiful, and mentally stable which need not your pity.
Know that I am ready to confront any underlining challenges that may appear before me in my beloved city.
I am a determined and passionate human being who seeks justice, affirmation, empathy and cultivated compassion in order to guide the the forgotten young, lonely ederly, and most of all the homeless , tormented animal companions to hope and salvation.
Yet, you judge me based on my appearance, wealth, and academic test scores which yes are important, but they do not disclose all of me.
For I have talents beyond the books,I know what it took to overcome mundane struggles which left me upon a life of despair, but you could not tell because you were not in my shoes living the previous circumstances there. I was bullied and rejected many a days by those whom I never expected, and yet, I called my friends.
I say to you ,do not perceive me or try to change me, for I am an aware servant leader whom has used knowledge, faith, and toterance to set my hopes and dreams free to aid the unfortunate and keep this environment safe and especially clean.