People are People, So Let's Grow a Heart
In all US history, we’ve never been good
At treating people the way that we should.
We’ve always seemed to make a huge fuss
When someone looks or acts different than us.
Whether it’s color, culture, or even prayer
Different has meant that we don’t treat them fair.
We need to stop this before it tears us apart.
Come on, America, let’s grow a heart!
America was founded on the insatiable creed
That anyone can live here if they need.
They shouldn’t be bullied if they come from a place
That doesn’t have people of another’s race.
Each time this happens, it chips away
At the dream made on Independence Day.
Let’s stop racism now; we need to be smart.
We’re all the same, so let’s grow a heart!
Laws have been made along the way
But even these are ignored today.
This isn’t something Congress can correct
It can only be solved by goodness and respect.
We the people need to solve this as one
And it will be beautiful once we’re done.
We will do it as one, not alone or apart;
People are people, so let’s grow a heart!