The Pen is Just in My Hand
I give my all
My dreams are my youth
Take them away from me
I’m a T-shirt, shorts, and shoes.
And you know damn well that I’m gonna fight,
Because when it comes to my dreams
When it comes to my life,
Nobody is walking away with them
Not death not knife.
I come from a city where the value of a dollar is never grasped,
Kids cut school
Flunk math
just to get high after every class.
Send them a line,
They need to be reeled in
We’re a generation of youth that was never signed, sealed, or delivered
But we’re still yours to deal with.
And as long as I can see the stars
As long as I can hope
As long as I can feel
As long as I can love…
I will be living for one and giving to all.
My life and my words
Good and the above
Are not from me.
This pen is just in my hand
The motions I make are simply from he.
I live for jesus,
The only Jesus Christ.
He died for me so I may live,
He died to take my strife.
So hear my words and resonate in your drums
Let life speak to you.
When it’s done tearing you down,
Look to the heavens
For your father is looking down.