Peering eyes burn it down!
Eyes staring
curious eyes
they gawk
they stare
looking once
looking twice
never sure if eyes deceive
looking again
it must be true
People whisper
did you see her
People glare
eyes furious
Children point
snickering a giant’s coming
Old men laugh
saying Godzilla’s coming
The old the young
everyone looking
Rude comments said
eyes amazed
A tall, oddly tall, slender
pale skinned, redheaded girl
Boys and girls look
eyes curious
Strangers approach
questions arise
assumptions are made
Do you play basketball?
Oh no what a shame, what a waste.
What school do you go to?
Homeschooled, Oh then you must be smart!
So you do school all day.
How do you know how to socialize?
Questions are asked
same old questions
disappointments are made
Labels, Labels are created
shes tall, opinionated, rude,shy,
intolerant, weird, too serious, too skinny
Labels are assumptions
Shes heard it all
every question, snicker, and whisper
Shes seen it all
every sneer, smile, and aw
All eyes on her
not by choice
every curious, mischievous
lustful eye
She wishes
wishes they didn’t look
wishes they didn’t stare
Girls look with menacing eyes
searing eyes, jealous eyes
names are called
whore, skank, tramp, bitch.
Boys look with lustful eyes
cocky eyes thinking
I’m another body, another plaything
eyes full of wonder full of delight
tongues tied with dirty jokes
mouths spit words like acid
No matter what she wears
No matter what she says
People stare eyes unmoving
Nasty comments said
Although its not always bad
Sometimes people look with amazement
unfathomable eyes unaware
their gaze turning into a stare
Sometimes nice things are said
Enough Enough with the assumptions
Enough with the questions
can't you see I’m going insane
its all too much
Enough I’m not some side show freak
I don't belong in a circus
I’m not a giant, not Godzilla.
Tired of it all
shields are put up
walls are lowered
a mask plastered on my face
No one will see.
People assume modeling will be her career
Assume she has no brains
Assume shes a great athlete
Tired of assumptions
she wishes she could tell
her body’s fragile unable to compete
She wishes they could see her not her body
Doctors said shes a medical miracle
said she shouldn't be alive
said shes incurable
Joints pop and crack
bend but don’t snap
dislocate and relocate
Pain sharp like a piercing knife
Ice packs and pain pills
numb for awhile
A little more cartilage
solution to her problem
Friends are lost names are called
more walls are put up
unable to be hurt
unable to be seen
Friends are made
secrets are kept
pain erupting
Tired of hiding
Tired of secrets
Tired of pain
tear down walls, let everyone know
burn the curtains from the wall
uncover the mask plastered on my face
Light a match
Grab a sledge hammer
Join the fun making me feel
naked and exposed
Here I am for all to see
the real me
look with your heart
mot your eyes to truly see
I am not what they said
labels untrue
I’m not broken
just need more glue
My body is unique
my mind as well
I’m a rare breed
a black spot on the wall
Everyone notices its ok
Time to be free
and let everyone see
I’m smart not a brainiac
smart in my own way
smarter than you think
underestimate me, go ahead I dare you
I will prove you wrong
I may be opinionated
only about things that matter
I’m compassionate
I love helping people
I just want my chance
a chance to make a difference
a chance to help
a chance to care when no one else did
I made the mistake
of hiding my true self
now I’m out in the open
not caring who sees
I am free
You can stare all you want
glare, make rude comments, dirty jokes
I don't care everyone else does
But i guess that what happens when you 6’2
No more slouching
No more secrets
No more caring
what they say.
I am Here
here to stay.