Please have patience with me
For I am still a work in progress
I am still a wild card, a wild guess
I was never taught how to love
I was taught abuse, how to push and shove
I was taught neglects. Bruised, battered, and wrecked
I have never felt affection
Just pain and suffering
Recovering from bruises, scars, fresh cuts I’ve been covering
I was taught that it was okay to hit a woman if she deserved it
But I wasn’t taught that it was never okay to lay your hands on a woman
No matter what she had done
I was taught that a man was supposed to overpower you
But i was never taught to be the Alpha
I was taught it was okay for men to call women ugly, hideous, and disgusting
To degrade us because we are ‘objects’
But I was never taught to be beautiful, to love myself, to be complex, to demand respect
I grew up around boys
They spoke about women like toys
My sister's father was one to degrade and abuse
And I was of use
My ex lover treated me like I was trash
I felt like a person being bitten by a serpent
A person who in his life held little to no importance
He stripped me from my pride
And stained my memories with nothing but flashbacks
Of what he thought was a joyride but to me was a nightmare at its climax
And although I moved on and learned from my mistakes
A murder scene kept rerunning with no brakes
As the time went by
I learned that it is okay to say no
That it was okay to show your weaknesses, even your strengths
To learn and to know
I have been trying to love like i've never been hurt
Like i've never felt cold, unwanted hands under my shirt
Like i've never felt a belt hit my skin
Like i've never felt or seen abuse
Like i was never taken advantage of or used