Paper is beauty

Loneliness is how I use to feel all the time, 

Sometimes I would cut myself to explain my truth


The blood made me feel safer even though it ranned out my body,

The knife taught me to not trust nobody


All the doctors did was prescribe me some meds like that was suppose to get the pain out my head,

As if they knew what I was feeling


Them pills didn´t help to tell the truth,

So paper became my medicine


Paper is my way to cope,

Without paper I would not feel as myself


Paper showed me I do not have to cut because I am beautiful,

Paper builded confidence in me that society has never seen 


I can spill out my pain on paper, 

I no longer cut or fidge into my skin


Paper has made me escape from suicide and get it out my head,

I love my paper and you can use something creative to


Speaking about your life brings beauty into you to,

So fight against suicide 


You know what society is facing,

Pick up a paper and don´t do no erasing


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