Painful, Beautiful Tradition

Fri, 02/16/2018 - 00:42 -- emonnin

Fast, Powerful, Intelligent, Brave

Daring, Graceful, Fearless, Brave


They faced off today

and it didn't take long for the man to thrust

the varas, the banderillas

for the blood to spill

and my heart cried out for him.


They stood still, facing each other

their eyes locked

fear and fearlessness mixed

entwined, danced among the crowd

as anticipation starts up the mournful piece.


The silence broke as he charged toward the man

the horn hit home 

easily piercing through fabric, skin, and bone

he was thrown to the side

and my heart cried out for him.


Pain is no match for determination

and the fighters fought on

both pierced and bleeding

fierce and magnificent 

equal in every way.

the sword was driven 

he was carried off the dirt

he received the fatal blow

and my heart cried out for them.


I thought it went against everything I believe in,

the torture, the pain

I believed unnecessary

yet my heart cried out for them.


It was not a fair fight 

yet they were equals till the end

both terrified but brave

injured but fighting

mutual respect

beauty in understanding the perfect balance

and my heart cried out for them


for their pain and tradition

in sympathy and respect 

for their fear and bravery

for their honor and integrity

my heart cried out for them.


This poem is about: 
Our world


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