Pain Behind Closed Doors

I am hiding in the darkness
hoping my breath goes unheard
He'll stop when I'm a bloody carcass
I dare not speak a word

He cut me off from funding
He cut me off from friends
This hurt is never ending
I don't know what I did to offend

I live my days pretending
That everything is fine
That one day I'll be fending
On my own and free from his crime

One day I may just run
Disappear from this prison
He'll be finished with his fun
His fists will not be there
to cause me anymore pain


Laying on the floor
I stare up through the haze
I can't take this anymore
Your eyes burn me with their gaze

I get back up again
You force me right back down
More than my heart is broken
I wish I could sink into the ground

I know that I should leave
Just run away from this hate
But they simply do not believe
that I could be a victim of this fate

"How is it even possible?"
"Why don't you just fight back?"
"What's your problem?" they all ask me
"You're the man, you're stronger...
"It's just a woman, she's not hostile!"

I try to seek some respite
I try to go for help
But no one will believe
that a man could fall beneath
a female abuser's might.

For those out there in pain
trapped in your own homes
Hope can indeed be out there
that you do not hurt in vain

Not everyone is careless
there are those of us who try
to bring help every October (and all year round)
for Domestic Violence Awareness

October is widely known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But it is also, equally important, Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This gets ignored all to much, like many spousal abuse victims of both genders. Many women suffer needless abuse at the hands of their partners, as well as men. Men are not always the aggressors, but no matter the gender of the victim, abuse never stops on it's own.

If you know someone who has been a victim of spousal abuse, or if you are a victim, or recovering from, spousal abuse, the Domestic Violence Intervention Center's website is and the National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).


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If you ever need help or support, we trust for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741