Do you wanna know what I absolutely hate about you? Not dislike, nor envy, but hate about you? When you have bumps in life like a car that hits a pot hole, you shutdown, but why? It's just like school; You start at Pre-K till you graduate at 12th grade and you wanna know something, they're bumps in the road called pain. When you sit in time out and you can't go out and play, you've experienced pain. When you get a phone call home because you didn't have a good day, you've experienced pain.
When you fall off the monkey bars at the playground, you've experienced pain. When you get cussed out by your parents, that's tough love...When you get rejected by the boy you like, you'll have pain. When you and your boyfriend get into an arguement, you'll have pain. When y'all break up and you try to communicate with him, but he won't text you back, so you feel like he doesn't care, you..will..feel..pain. When you thought he was the one for life and sadly he's not because he's messing with these other chicks and found a new girlfriend, you'll have pain. And to top it all off, he's long distance so you can't see him physically to talk it out, so you have pain.
Then it gets to the point where you feel like you can't get out so you become suicidal not knowing that there is something at the finish line. All the crying was worth it, all the battles was worth it, all the loses was worth it because you know what, you cannot succeed without pain. I don't wanna sit here dressed in black looking at you getting buried six feet under all because you couldn't handle the pain. Me looking at your mother, father, sisters and brothers and having to ball my eyes out with them because you couldn't handle the pain.
But at the end of the day, you only have one life. You choose how to live it, You choose what you wanna do, what you wanna see cause God himself did not put you on this Earth, so you can do suicide because you couldn't handle the pain. That is what I hate about you.