The day I was born
I never would have thought
That one man would have brought, pain into my life.
I'm making it day by day,
No obstacles getting in my way.
I've buckled up and ready for the ride with a strong mother by my side.
She's been there for me through it all,
always there to catch me when and if I fall.
Pain can hurt in a lot of ways
But with my mother and God by my side, I have better days.
My father acts as though he doesn't care, I wonder
Is he even aware?
of the beautiful daughter he helped to make?
I won't think for one second I was a mistake!
God created this angel to fly high
So I am soaring up to the sky!
High as my wings will take me,
No limits, just flying free
Striving day by day to be what
I want to be. in life, with no pain. They say no pain, no gain!
So I say all this to show
Conquering pain helps me to
grow into the beautiful flower
I've become, loved by most, liked by some.
Painful things, they may be
Pain won't ever stop me!
from always achieving and soaring high!
Painful things won't make me cry!
I'm overcoming my pain
So to you pain, GOOD BYE!
No shame in my game!