A Page From My Book
I am from arid, sandy shores,
and the aroma of soaking, summer showers.
I am from sweet vegetation
that bends on squishy soil,
underneath silent, calculated steps.
I am from defensive palm fronds
that cannot shield me from a burning star,
lacking shade trees of rescue.
I am from spiteful voices behind locked doors;
from outrageous stereotypes
and labels that can both pull together--
and tear apart.
I am from blacktop roads
like winding charcoal ribbon;
from performing duets of "You Make Me Feel So Young" in heaven.
I am from sipping tangy liquid out of mason jars,
from harmonizing to broken record classics like a world-class symphony.
I am from turning battered, dog-eared pages,
from living vicariously through my beloved characters:
heroes and demons, shadowhunters and angels.
I am from a world I paint myself,
from a place where love and comfort are found and treasured.
I am from serendipity,
for being thankful that the glass is half-full
and seeing grass the perfect shade of green
that supports a radiant life.
I am from the souls of other people
as they pour their liquid gold
into the mold of my very being
and hoping to one day offer
the same life-saving grace.
I am from worlds changing-
from starts colliding;
I am from a place that remains constant
yet unexplicably temporary.
I am from a time
where dreams are hope for tomorrow,
and hope is a river that never runs dry.