Life can be overwhelming.
(No, let me restate that)
Life can be Condescendingly,
Overbearing with its Unrelenting,
Distressing problems causing Depressing feelings.
Life can be Vexing, just Vexing
I tried blasting out my eardrums with music,
but that was the opposite of therapeutic
Just…. helped build up my ANGER
TV was even less of an attraction
With its scripted reality shows of fake reactions
I just…. I just, couldn’t find a good distraction!
It wasn’t a particularly bight day.
The air outside was murky,
almost as if to mock me.
“It’s okay”, she’s say.
I’d run to her when tears made everything blurry
“You’ll be fine. Seriously, don’t worry.”
Through a series of texts and calls
She would give me nothing but her all
Just to have me feel….
You could say
She is my cliché
Sister from another mister
But it’s simply true;
She understands me through and through;
It feels good knowing……
She’s there if it starts overflowing