Outrun The Wind

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 20:04 -- eevans9


United States
35° 26' 25.0764" N, 97° 26' 36.7584" W

He is the wind
I am the rain
We both bring joy
We both bring pain.

The starving souls
gasping for air,
Our violence wrought
we are a pair.

Thunder erupts
tempers fly,
tears I cry.

Chaos now
A striking hand,
He forces my tears
to drown the land.

Even as
his will is done,
My clouds are all
that block the sun.

I am abused
I am shamed
Yet I will be
Forever blamed.

Destruction plagued
a baron land,
He caused the tears
that quenched the sand.

The storm is calm
our quarrel dissolved,
he starts to sob.

I hold him close
his wounds I tend,
No longer will
I seek the end.
What chance is there
to break this trend?
The rain cannot
outrun the wind.


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