Our Time Together
Dedicated To: My Grandmother
Our time together has been like taking a trip
around this amazing world.
Taking our eyes and seeing it in a
old but new perspective.
My many adventures with you and
still to come are ones I look forward
to and ones that ought not to be forgotten.
In the early start of this what has become to be
an extraordinary journey, I had puzzled on how you
thought it should be taken. I have questioned you, but
from my faith I have trusted you.
Though, throughout our journey I too have seen
others question you the same like I had once did. And
that same puzzled thought crept within me.
Anyone can see that this journey was not easy and who
knows what lies ahead. But yet again what is a journey
without bumps in the road.
I have came to love you and only through God's eyes
will he know how strong my love is for you. I have
came to see through your eyes and I have learned to see
what you have saw. I have came to learn you are unique. I
have also came to see there is no one else I'd rather go on
this journey with other than you.