Will you be with me
If I tell you I don't belong to earth anymore
That I die
And I belong to another skin
My soul flew
And I didn't realized
In other skin
Will you see what I bring in the soul
If I was in other skin
How are you know if someday
you go waking somewhere
And you see someone
who you can't stop seeing
And result to be me
Will you see what I have in the soul?
To can feel what you can't see in another skin
More than death I'll see you
To talk to you
To test you
If you can see what I bring in other skin
I'll change of body
But I'll have the same look
just so if you could see
God knows
he gave me the freedom to do it
And will escape so you can realized
What you didn't wanted to see
With those eyes that blinds you
To feel if you at least can see
what I bring in the soul
In another skin.
-Jonatan Vega