The Only One
The Only One
The only one, she adore life and love in the world
of mysterious and adventures, the only one, she
complete her journey outrageously but kindness
and warmth as one thunderous spirit within and
indeed, the only one, she got her smiles to lid up
like a sky rocket, her lips her eyes are the kissable
and flirtatious moment of all time straight, the only
one, she can rocked out so easily when she dances
and party down like it is, the only one, she can sing
out loud and clear on the karaoke stage nonstop
action, she's brilliant on that, she's the one and only
the best of the rest, she can wear the ordinary vest
jacket as a bright pink after all, the only one, she
never been very picky on things handily and also
confirmed too, she brighten her spirit fulfilled but
the only one, she can handle love and romance in
her uprising world of hope and dreams
Written by
Michael James Brindley