The Origin of the Ink-pen Slinger..How I Came To Be

Let me tell you what happened to me the other day

I was on the job, working hard, around the way

When these three little guys came into the yard

Not ordinary dudes, these were Asian pards

One Japanese cat, and a couple Filipinos

In a Chevy Silverado and an El Camino

Bringing up the rear was a Chrysler van

With a crew, twenty deep, and their groupie fans

I was chugging down a soda; because it was freaking hot

Ninety-six in the shade, and it hit the spot

When the three dismounted and came over to me

The little Japanese fellow was the first to speak

He said, so sorry, but we need your help

My name is Abe Tanoka and these are my reps

Yes, they are Filipino, by birth and design

Please excuse, but decent help is mighty hard to find

The chap on my left is Aquetii Luzon

But he goes by the title of Little Al Capone

My striker and enforcer when the game is weak

He totes a 30-ought-30 and he lets it speak

When one threatens us, Little Al's a must

Competition is nil, competitors in the dust

Now the tike on my right, is a different breed

And don't let the glasses fool you, see, he's down with me

Alomonii Biryani, which was his name at birth

We call him Deep-Pockets Dickey, and it's all he's worth

Bringing banking to the table, is his hobby and trade

When there's a deal to be closed; then the deal is made

I said, yeah, that's straight and I can understand

But what's that got to do with me; so, what you need, my man

He said, the word on the street is you're the best around

When it comes to dropping lyrics, you're the cat's meow

You're the whole enchiladas and the tangy sauce

We heard your songs make the ladies take their panties off

Make the suckers and the busters, drop their mikes and sulk

You make other artist tremble, just by clearing your throat

Now, that kind of talent, I can't be without

I got a proposition for you, so just hear me out

He said, come write for me, you'll get a pot of gold

And that, was that; the Ink-pen Slinger rolls

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