The Open and Closed Doors


Your head is hidden behind a closed door
Nothing comes in and no one leaves
But I'm choosing to knock
For the door separates life and creates a wall of separation between you and I
Never to ponder the things beyond that room in which you have trapped yourself
Never to look, wander or even see things you desire
Your passion is unseen
But I can hear the tum-drum of your heart 
There's a rhythm to your thoughts that corresponds with your breath
And I always find myself missing you
Even when I can't picture your face
I have anaylized every form of metal procress and I guess all this concludes to
It's like locking your heart in a glass box 
It can't beathe 
Your heart is useless without the rest of your body
So why is it always separate from your thinking
You remain
Pushing and pulling
Terrified of the dust that collects
Never seeming to honestly go to bed
Following memories that strain
And I apologize for the migraine in your head
Instead I'm begging you to answer my knock
Your words will remain over my mind like a tattoo
In the mean time I'll be sitting outside
Doing exactly what you'd expect me to do


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