Only Through Unity
Wake up turn on the news
And guess what I see?
Another black man getting killed by police
You'd think it's once a month but it’s like every week
The people are fed up now, can't you see?
My momma said be safe when I walk on the streets
“You can go whatever place but please leave your hoodie”
I remember thinking: why it's gotta be me?
Just because of our color do we have to be beat?
I thought it was 1863 when they ended slavery.
How can you treat someone different because of their biology?
We may be free but there's injustice obviously.
Ya we're fussing cause we’re fighting for equality.
I'm tired of this police brutality.
But things aren't gonna change through our own behavior.
The world is lost and in need of a savior
Only Jesus can save us from hate and racism
The world just needs to turn to him
But until he comes back this is a broken world
In talking moms losing sons and daddies losing girls
If your a disciple play your part in any form
The Bible says God detests the lukewarm.
So don't sit back and wash your hands for no reason
Even Pilate had the power to stop the crucifixion of Jesus
It's not about you and it's not about me
Jesus says that the least you did to those, you did to me.
So when I feel continuous pain in the black communities
Of course I am going to speak
Not because of hate or to not be seen as weak
But because Christ died for you and was sacrificed for me,
So that we could have the ability to live in unity.
I'm not saying to go out and protest or force yourself to weep.
But remember that your silence is louder than when you speak.
We each have to play our role
For me it was writing this poem