The Ones Who Sit Alone
Nobody sees them, it's as if no one cares
Alone they sit, no shine in their eyes
They sift through a book, they look at their phone
The clock can't go fast enough
For the Ones who sit alone
My heart breaks as I see them there
A room full of people and nobody sees
The cafeteria screams and grows
Kids come and go
But alone they sit, and nobody knows
I feel their pain, it reaches my soul
The heartache, the heartbreak, a melancholy Tone
I sit by my friends but its as if I am
As if I am the One who sits alone
I don't want to be seen
My skin crawls at the thought
What if they notice that I don't have any friends
Humiliated my cheeks go red
And yet all the while there's a burning Hope
Please, oh please notice me
This loneliness, I just can't Cope
I'm brought back to a time
Of broken Reality
I remember the pain, the soul-wrenching hurt
I was lonely, tired, by myself
I felt bruised, broken, alone, and abused
I was no one, useless, weird, and awkward
For someone to say hello
was like a ray of hope
And then they began, they're mouth just ran and ran
“Who are you, what do you like?”
I couldn't think, what did I like? Who am I?
Will they like me, I just might Cry
What if they laugh? No, instead I'll just be shy
That time of my life has come and gone.
No more do I sit Alone
But I know what its like to glance at your phone
To stare at the pages of some book
To sink in your seat, not wanting to exist
So maybe that's why I see them there
And maybe if others Knew, they too would care.