The One Woman
There’s all kinds of women in this world
But there are only a few who would stand
by your side blindly when somethings wrong
or your heart aches due to the tribulations
of this world.
God’s greatest gift to this world was WOMEN.
However, God rendered a few, but worthy greats
and scattered them throughout the universe.
The only way to find them is through the drops
of blood your heart drips as it longs for the ONE.
The ONE who is destined to walk side by side with
you through the paths life has set for you and the ones
you build along the way.
I have found my ONE. The one who my heart and soul
have yearned for many dark skies before.
The ONE who can make me smile through my tears,
turn an inglorious day into an epic conquest, and shown up
with an umbrella when the Devil rains on my parade.
Juxtaposed, heart in heart we thread through these
treacherous waters of life that can douse you in their glory
one day and sink you to the pits of Hell the next.
But it is because that fire inside you burns so passionately
that you never let go nor let anyone or anything stand in your way.