One true gospel ... only one

1 John 5:20 

20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding,

 that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. 

This is the true God and eternal life.



There is only one true gospel according to God.

It surely is not to follow Mohammed or Joseph Smith.

It is not Mary Baker Eddy or Buddha on his throne

It is only found in Jesus Christ, Who gave His life for it.


Why are we always circling in search for food?

Carrying and labeling to prepare for tomorrow

and so are folks wandering to and fro

always to gather food in their path to sorrow.


Tomorrow never comes today is always here.

Next year is a set illusion that we’ll never reach.

Hoping for the best ... foundational in fear

survival the main goal and so again we teach.


But with Christ it is different He offers the Eternal here.

He will lead us home and seats us in heavenly places.

All we have to do ... is die to ourselves and need

and let Him fully live in us ... to serve the human race.


Jan Wienen


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