One Job May Change Not Only My Life


Sports Outreach.

Two miniscule words that

Make an immense difference.

 That is what I want to do.

 I want to help those involved in

Sports Outreach.  

Gulu, Uganda is where I will be.

Teaching the children who have nothing,

But the disheveled shirt on their back

And the dilapidated ball they use to play soccer.

The children that share a cramped house.

The children who have tenacious faith

Despite their troubled life.

I want to teach the children problem solving skills,

How to read and write and how to further strengthen their faith.

I won’t make a lot of money.

But is that really my purpose in life?

To make a lot of money?

No, there are things that are far more important than just money.

My dream is to enable those children’s dream’s to come true.

After college, it will be time for me to step outside of my comfort zone.

After all, how can you do great things if you stay in your comfort zone.


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