One job may change my


One job may change my life..

One passion has fueled my dreams..

What do you call a fantasy that has come true?

In our world we are encouraged to stand on our toes and reach for the stars,

In our world the ground sinks quicker than we grow.

This is a gamble,

And I’m a risky better.

My youngest of my oldest years spent, nose buried in the seams of textbooks that managed to run my meager pockets dry..

Ramen for breakfast, hot pockets for lunch.

sometimes I switch it up to be spontaneous,

Hot pockets for breakfast, Ramen for lunch.

Bus rides in freezing weather, because my expenses outweigh my minimum wage pay.

On those walks home when the tip of my nose has froze and I turn my back to the wind,

Neighbors watch from their windows thinking, “why is that silly girl walking backwards?”.

I daydream of the day I will throw my cap into the air for the second time,

Watch as the summer breeze carries it for a moment, relishing in my first steps on this road of destiny.

I see into my future, the intricate stone arches of a moorish past lining the streets of spain,

I see myself sitting in a cafe in France writing to future travelers, telling them to skip the overpriced tourist centered cafes and travel down that back alley where they know nothing of the language you speak, but where the language of taste is shared.

Living in Connecticut, my town where an overpriced movie theatre is the only source of entertainment..

My town, where people seem to get stuck, never leaving, settling for “good enough”.

This is not the only way of life..

This isn't even an atom in the universe of possibilities..

I know that a lot of people don't realize how much life there really is to live,

So they spend their time waiting, in one spot, to die.

I would rather live a short life of spontaneous fulfillment,

Than a long life of stagnancy.

I will travel,

I will dance to music whose language I know nothing of,

I will help people that have nothing to benefit me, nothing in common with me other than a shared existence,

our humanity.

And I will write about it,

In books,

In love poems,

On the palm of my hand,

On the skin of my back in permanent ink,

But most of all I will get people to read, listen, and learn.

To open their minds in a world where immaterial, imaginary borders

keep the love of the human race from spreading.



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