One Change
To change the world with just one thing,
An act akin to Sisyphus's to put a name to this change.
A million stones of choice and all of the changes that will ripple.
One thing full of hope to Earth and mankind to bring.
All of the stars to align and destinies to rearrange,
One must choose wisely, so as to heal and not to cripple.
Ah, I know just the thing!
I will remove all hate, that is the answer to peace we seek!
Full of grace and love our hearts will be,
Words of kindness and succor our mouths will sing!
Ah, alas, even this change would leave our world bleak.
For we must continue to hate evil, so that we may bring it to defeat, that all may be free.
Perhaps the answer is this other thing!
A pillow for the weary head aside from a weary arm's form,
For all, both man and beast, to have a home!
Even this answer doesn't give an answer for absolute joy to bring!
For, though it may give a place of shelter amidst the storm,
A roof doesn't guarantee that your heart is warm.
So many things, what could the answer be?
Tell me, where does the answer lay?
Our search for the life of perfection, where does it start?
Does the answer sway by, and rustle through a tree?
Is it hidden beneath rubble and clay?
Or does it exist within the human heart?
The answer is not in the lack of death,
The answer is absent from a realm with no pain,
And the answer is not in a bottled elixir of love.
For without death, we cannot appreciate breath.
With no pain, there is no joy to gain.
And love would not be true, free, or dreamt of.
Is there an answer to what we seek?
Maybe the answer is many things.
Or, is life as cold and empty as we fear it to be?
The answer may lay within us, and not outside of us.
Sacrifice, to give a part of what each of us in this world uniquely brings.
My answer to only one change made in this world, is to sacrifice a part of time that belongs only to me.
Whether that time be a kind word,
A brightly given smile,
Or a gently whispered “I love you.”
Whether that time be something I can barely afford,
In your shoes a mile,
Or a gift of days, smiles, or baubles gifted true.