One Big Wolf
Here's a little story you know
Three pigs run into houses
A big wolf huffs and puffs and blows
The pigs hide like little mouses
Yet here is what you don't quite know
The wolf was a great magician
He wanted to put on a show
Yet was denied by suspicion
As the wolf walked sadly away
Near the house, there sprung a huge fire
The wolf told the pigs, "You can't stay!"
Yet the pigs called him "Big Liar"
With a large puff, he blew it down
Yet there was not a single cheer
One pig told the wolf with a frown,
"Bad Wolf!" You cannot remain here!
Yet the wolf left with a big grin
Because he had lived by his creed:
"It is not who claps when you win;
Sometimes the joy is in the deed."