Once Upon a TIme
Once upon a time,
Always promising words,
They hold adventure and mystery,
Excitement and history,
And a chance for us all,
To escape our realities.
Once upon a time,
Words that take us to worlds we don’t know,
And places we would never really go.
Words that let us soar with the birds,
And cry when it hurts.
But Once upon a time isn’t just an introduction to fiction,
Or the beginning of some far off tale.
Once upon a time the world was born,
And humanity was formed,
And that’s when the story really begins.
Once upon a time,
There was a young schoolgirl,
A man late for his train,
A mom scolding her kids,
All wanting and waiting for something more out of life.
Once upon a time,
There was war everywhere on Earth,
And people were hungry and abused and hurt,
And no one did anything to change it.
Once upon a time,
Everyone lost interest in others,
And cared only about themselves,
And forgot what love or happiness or joy really meant.
Once upon a time,
No one had any peace,
And people were distraught and filled with fear,
And hope was lost.
Once upon a time,
The truth was no where to be found,
And people were okay with that,
And life was empty and fleeting.
I choose to make my Once upon a time different,
I choose to change the story,
And recreate it.
Once upon a time a normal teenage girl,
Used her Once upon a time to spread hope and healing and peace,
To be kind to others and have compassion for people,
To create a new reality.
Once upon a time you were created,
And placed here on this Earth,
Filled with potential and promise,
Alive and breathing to answer the one question that really matters:
What will you do with your Once upon a time?