Once more
O dear rain when will you fall
And let me hear the
The echoes of your pitter patter,
The dancing of your clear crystal beauty;
Come back to this dry season
And let me see the fields
Bloom with vibrant sparks
Bloom with the steady heart
Of that old withered tree
It’s steady beat growing
Have it flourish under your
Enchanting drum beat;
And breathe Life through its limbs
Once again.
My heart yearns for your
Refreshing showers
And cold kisses all the more;
Your healing powers
Gently lure
All to its finest hour
Do not make me bid ado
To this new majestic world,
It has had so few
Chances to unfurl
To me its secrets unknown
So if you be on your way
Know that I will mourn your absence
But I know
That you will come back to this lonely
Desolate place if not,
Once more