An older sister
NO one can compare
To the love an older sister has to share.
Although we might fight,
And yell every single day
I can't live without her although that might sound cliche.
A sister is better than the best you can find,
Listen to me and you'll change your mind.
She's with me on my ups,
And especially on my downs
She really makes sure that I have no more frowns.
She's stuck with me forever
So when she says that she'd leave, I know that she'd never.
She's older, not wiser, even though that's what she claims,
So she will always need my help,
Even if she thinks it's lame.
I can steal all her clothes,
Unfortunately she may steal all mine too.
But when I need fashion advice, she'll always come through.
She isn't afraid to say what she thinks,
Which is good when she's the only one to tell me, “you stink”.
Together we laugh and together we cry,
Although we may not always even know why.
She knows all of my secrets, but that's okay,
Because I know she would never give them away.
They say that because I have a sister, I will always have a friend.
I know that is true because without her, my life would end.
When asked to describe something I can't live without,
The answer will always be my big sister, no question and no doubt.