Old Lover, Young Love
My Love,
Although I am old,
My love for you is still young.
We go on in silence remembering:
The days we traveled to foreign contries
And loved all through the night;
Our children never wanted to grow up,
But to stay home with mommy and daddy
Safe and secure;
When we cried with sadness for our son,
Gone off to join the army
But with joy for our daughter
Gone off to marry the love of her life.
Those are the bitter sweet moments,
We all pass through in this life
On the way to our final, destination.
You and I still sit in our own distant places wishing,
Praying it would all come back.
Someone save us from our desperate endeavour
To find a place where we can feel our hearts again!
After you passed on to the next world without me,
Nights became colder
The house became quiet
Days were long
With no one to talk to.
My poor soul aches,
I cannot hold it in anymore,
I must go on to see you so I can feel myself again.
I will see you soon,
Your Love