An Ode to Spiders

An ode to night with your spider spinning
And all the packing squirrels have gone inside
And the chirping birds have gone inside
And the hoot owls have come out to play

But the neon stays charged
To mimic the blinking repentance of the hoot owls
And the little spider with her fang’d teeth retch
A sliver of silver on the neon
A warning to the wasps that the sun will be up soon

And the sun tiptoes over the horizon
Bringing with him white clouds
Immersing the neon in bright light
Drowning out it’s orange-y glow
Drowning out the darkness

The little spider scurries back to her shadowy home
Where the silver slivers hang all around
And where the wasps are engulfed in it
Stifled with her black disease
Dinner is served until night comes again


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