Ode to Sky
The sky never hides its feelings.
A sunny blue day,
or a cheerful drizzle, so peaceful, tranquil.
Rain or shine, the sky never hides.
Mysterious and cloudy,
blue and wispy,
dark and gloomy.
Rain or shine, the sky never hides.
The sky deserves better,
We bully it with our Smokey smoke,
feed it lies with our fake clouds of pollution,
build our buildings to hide its glory,
but rain or shine, the sky never hides.
The sky tries too hard,
every morning and night. A new and different explosion of colors.
We enjoy
a freshly painted canvas, where the clouds move,
and change, and grow
and the paint never dries.
Rain or shine, the sky never hides.
But in secret secrets, the sky is in pain,
and we are one cause, though there are many to name.
The sky absorbs particles, too small to see.
The little things, they don't mean much to you or me,
but they sky takes them all in, without a doubt.
Rain or shine, maybe the sky does hide,
but like all of us, there will be too much,
and like the sky, in waterworks we combust.
the sky drains out its sorrow, and all we do is think of it as an inconvenience.
We have our kind,
but the sky has no one.
The sky is lonely.
the sky feels afraid, to express its true pain
but like us, the harder we try, the faster we fall
the sky has seen things, we have not yet saw
or will ever see, on our temporary earth.
The sky knows everything.
The darkest secrets we hide,
it might be scary,
but trust the sky.
And so when it rains I do not feel any doubt.
instead I call out,
"Rain let it rain,
Down to the dirt,
So it can be drank from,
With nothing said.
Roar your thunder,
and flash fire in our eyes,
tear down the world,
let your grief, fall from the sky.
Brake our connections
our technology lines,
and our watches and clocks,
we can just use to sky.
Reveal yourself, as the sky you are,
not perfect and blue, but with nasty scars.
Because we all know,
rainbows come at the end,
and the earth will drink your tears,
with nothing said.
Be gone with this nonsense, and let go if your sighs.
Rain or shine, you should never have to hide."