Ode To Seasons And Weathers Stormed

Ode To Seasons And Weathers Stormed Songs



Song One
Seasons After Seasons Weather We Stormed
(In life weathers we storm)
(My gruesome school years at Urbana-Champaign)

Seasons after seasons all those years we spent together
Weathers that came and weathers that we stormed with each other
Snowfall that blanketed every landscape and every path
Spring time with cherry blossoms in our cul de sac
Summer with endless scortching heat that lasted forever
Fall trees that lined every side street and every street corner

Those gruesome school years at Urbana-Champaign we spent together
Every little things we always did for each other
The way it felt moving in with each other
Like two people who belonged together
Two people who were completely inseperable
And could not keep their hands off of each other
Walking back from school holding each others hand
Kissing each other like new love we had found

Together we laughed that should have meant something deeper
Tears we cried that should not have been our life no matter
In each others arms we always found comfort together
You on my arms was how I wanted it to be forever
Yet it was like something was still missing all through those years

Then came the final storm of our lives
No mater how hard you tried or I tried
Somethings in life you then realize
Were not meant to be no matter what
Now that we have gone our separate ways
I often wonder how you are and where life took you
And where you are these days
I often wonder If you think of me and what you look like
And if I ever cross your mind in any way
And then once again I find myself thinking about

Seasons after seasons and years that we spent together
Weathers that came and weathers that we stormed with each other
Snowfall that blanketed every landscape and every path
Spring time with cherry blossoms in our cul de sac
Summer with endless scortching heat that lasted forever
Fall trees that lined every side street and every street corner


Song Two
Baby I Am So In Love With You
(You feel like my soul and my prayer)


Don’t look at me like this it makes me want to hold you and kiss you
Don’t look at me like this because I am madly in love with you
Don’t look at me like this or I will lose control
Don’t look at me like this or I will make a mistake I regret down to my soul
I am so in love with your beautiful face that feels like a prayer
That when I see you I see my every happiness there

[Stanza 1]

Being in love is something I have wanted
Loving you I have made up my mind
Filling my life with all colors of love this I have decided
With you in my life is how I want
What I have wanted to say to you for a long time now
This I do intend to say to you today
Give me a place in your heart because you are what I have always wanted
Hide me somewhere in your heart because that is where I belong
Baby this you do not know what it feels like to lose yourself in this feeling
Baby this you do not know what it feels like to surrender to love like this
 Baby give love a chance love me the way I love you
Baby give love a chance lose yourself in this feeling
And want me the way I want you
And feel what I feel
Because for a long time now I have been aching to hear you say
That you love me too
My heart want’s you near me everytime I hear your name
My heart says this everytime it sees you
That I am so in love with you
And baby if you look into my eyes
You will find out how much I love you and need you
With you in my life what everyone calls love
And had escaped me so far will be here to stay
Baby lose yourself to this feeling and feel what I feel for you
Baby lose yourself to this feeling and want me to he way I want you
Surrender youself to this feeling and love me the way I love you
Baby for a long time now I have been aching to hear you say
That you love me too


Don’t look at me like this I just want to hold you and kiss you
Don’t look at me like this because I am madly in love with you
Don’t look at me like this or I will lose control
Don’t look at me like this or I will make a mistake I regret
I am so in love with your beautiful face


Song Three
The Way You Come Into My Dreams
(The way I love you sometimes feels like a crime)

The way you come into my dreams
And I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me
And the way I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me

Without my even knowing it
He somehow stole my heart from me
This stranger I think about all the time
Feels like I have known him for a very long time
He comes into my dreams all the time
And makes me feel like he is all mine
One day come intp my life
And steal me from me

The way you come into my dreams
And I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me

I did not even see it coming
And now my heart no longer belongs to me
This stranger I cannot take my mind off
Feels like I have known him for eternity
He comes into my dreams all the time
And makes me feel like he is all mine
One day come intp my life
And steal me from me

The way you come into my dreams
And I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me

Never in my wildest imagination
Had I ever thought it would be about you and me
This stranger who has become very close to me
Feels like I have known him all along
He comes into my dreams all the time
And makes me feel like he is all mine
One day come intp my life
And steal me from me

The way you come into my dreams
And I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me
And the way I am in love with you
One day come into my life
And fall in love with me




Song Four
Another Day Has Gone By
(This world is one strange place)

Precious time lost
Another day has gone by
Yet not again today
Maybe tomorrow
You will come by
And I close my eyes
And think to myself
Happiness will one day be mine

For a long time now
You have been
An integral part
Of my life
For a long time now
You have been
How my every
Happiness has been defined

Whenever I think of you
This thought crosses my mind
How will it be
When you and I do meet
How will it be
When destiny
Brings you to me
Will it be what
I had been looking for in every face
Hoping to find
Will it be
What I had been searching for
All my life
Where ever I go
I look for you
In every crowd
Hoping to find you there
And once again you were not there
My world crumbles
And my life falls apart
And once again
I find myself thinking about you and I

For a long time now
You have been
An integral part
Of my life
For a long time
You have been
How my every
Happiness has been defined

Precious time lost
Another day has gone by
Yet not again today
Maybe tomorrow
You will come by (into my life)
And I close my eyes
And think to myself
Happiness will one day be mine




Song Five
Baby I Always Wonder What I Love About You Most
(In your eyes I lose myself)

I always wonder what it is about you
I love most
I always wonder what is it about in your eyes
I am always lost
I always wonder what it is about you I cannot think of life without you
At any cost
I always wonder what it is about you not a single moment with you
Feels faked or forced
I always wonder what it is about you that life with you
Feels like a champaign toast

Must be in your eyes and the way you look drunk
I can’t help but get drunk on you too my chipmunk
Must be in your face and the way you make my heart race
I can’t help but fall in love inspite of myself and its here to stay
Must be in your smile and the way it makes my day
I can’t help but like coming home to you every single day
Must be in your hug and the way you embrace
Makes me feel loved and always feel safe
Must be in your style and the way you look
It makes be want you and has me hooked
Must be in your smell and the way you feel so sweet
It reminds me of the very first time we met and you became my heartbeat
Must be in your walk and the way your face lights up when you talk
Makes me realize how glad I am to have you in my life as my rock
Must be in your voice and the way you say my name
My heart skips a beat and I am no longer the same
Must be in your beautiful soul and the way it made me feel on our first date
I knew for sure I wanted to spend rest of my life with my soulmate
Must be in the way you care and my heart you always touch
Makes me fall in love with you once again and love you very much

I always wonder what it is about you
I love most
I always wonder what is it about it in your eyes
I am always lost
I always wonder what it is about you I cannot think of life without you
At any cost
I always wonder what it is about you not a single moment with you
Feels faked or forced
I always wonder what it is about you that life with you
Feels like a champaign toast






Song Six
You Mean Everything To Me
(I cannot help but love you too)


Someday fall in love with me and let your heart race like mine
And you will find out what it does have to say
That you mean everything to me
And you are what it wants with every breath it takes
Someday feel the way I feel about you
And find out what it does have to say
For a long time now it has been in love with you
And you are what it wants with every heart beat it takes

[Stanza 1]

Whenever life brings you close to me
It feels like heaven on earth
And I want to hold you and never let go of you
And it feels like a sign from above
That you were supposed to be all mine

[Stanza 2]

Whenever life brings you close to me
This world feels like a beautiful place
And I can’t take my eyes off of you
And all I want is you by my side every single day
And make happiness mine

[Stanza 3]

Whenever life brings you close to me
My life has a meaning and maybe I am just dreaming
But it feels like
You were created just for me and I for you
To be together in every lifetime

[Stanza 4]

Whenever life brings you close to me
I know what happiness feels like
I cannot think of a single day without you in my life
And I am just glad I am alive
And I just want to make you mine

[Stanza 5]

Whenever life brings you close to me
I finally know what love feels like
And no matter where life takes us or throws our way
I always want it to be the two uf us
Taking every step of our life together
For thr rest of our lives forever


Someday fall in love with me and let your heart race like mine
And you will find out what it does have to say
That you mean everything to me
And you are what it wants with every breath it takes
Someday feel the way I feel about you
And find out what it does have to say
For a long time now it has been in love with you
And you are what it wants with every heart beat it takes




Song Seven
And Nothing Seems To Be Going My Way
(Just when I thought I had it all figured out)

When nothing seems to be going my way
And it does not seem to be my day
And everything is at fast and furious pace
And this world feels like one mad rat race
Thinking of my favorite things always puts a smile on my face
And thinking of my favorite things always puts a smile on my face
I am an adrenalin junkie I cannot hide
I am a foodie I do not deny
I live for the weekends this I do vouch
Forbidden pleaures takes my breath away
And my heart still lies in the good old sinful San Francisco Bay

My fruit juice spiked gives me a kick for a while
Extra topping on my sundae makes me smile
Bungee jumping from the skyscrapers maybe old news now (a thing of the past)
Sky diving from Mars NASA can make it a fad somehow (steadfast)
Getting home speeding like I own the highway
Not getting caught by the cops still a high even today
All women fawning over me to feel me under my shirt
Becuse when I am naked I look like the sexiest man on earth
Drag racing someday will be the ultimate solar sport
And not just meant for rich people who own yachts and boats
Tallest building in the world as your home a dream
I hope it’s not in Seattle it rains too much there and down stream
Owning the country someday may become a trendy tide
Maybe Larry Ellison can one day set the pace and make it ride
Path ahead filled with endless rose blossoms as a beam
Rocky roads just for forrest destinations and a scream
Going to the mountain top and hearing the echo of your name
It feels like the whole world belongs to you and it’s your game
And everything sinful under the sun still catches the attention
It’s like all your dreams have come true beyond your wildest imagination

When nothing seems to be going my way
And it does not seem to be my day
And everything is at fast and furious pace
And this world feels like one mad rat race
Thinking of my favorite things puts a smile on my face
And thinking of my favorite things puts a smile on my face
I am an adrenalin junkie I cannot hide
I am a foodie I do not deny
I live for the weekends this I do vouch
Forbidden pleaures takes my breath away
My heart still lies in the good old sinful San Francisco Bay



Song Eight
Dream Weaver Catch The Dream
(Just can’t seem to catch a break)


Dreamweaver catch the dream
Motown funk downtown stream
Dreamweaver catch the dream
Motown funk downtown stream
This subliminal crime
Has it’s own mind
Lost in time
Feels so right
Middle of the night
Demon has a mind
Making me blind
Can’t catch a break
Dreamweaver catch the dream
Motown funk downtown stream
Dreamweaver catch the dream
Motown funk downtown stream

[Stanza 1]

Shooting stars
Heavenly skies
Azure blue
So true
Lost in your eyes
Feels so nice
Sweet Jesus
Can’t get away
Even if I could

Raindrops feel
Petal soft
Against my cheeks
Save me lord
Prayer in my eyes
Feels so nice
Sweet Jesus
Love abound
Can’t turn around

[Stanza 2]

Fresh cut grass
Sprinkler on
Trees in the storm
Feels so calm
Dream in my eyes
Feels so nice    
Sweet Jesus
Just can’t stop
No matter what

Gentle breeze
Ocean freeze
Warm breath
Beneath my skin
Sleep in my eyes
Feels so nice
Sweet Jesus
All alone
Can’t go home


Dreamweaver catch the dream
Motown funk downtown stream
 Dreamweaver catch the dream
Motown funk downtown stream
This subliminal crime
Lost in time
Has it’s own mind
Middle of the night
Demon has a mind
Making me blind
Can’t catch a break
Dreamweaver catch the dream
Motown funk downtown stream
Dreamweaver catch the dream
Motown funk downtown stream

I am lost
I close my eyes
Sweet Jesus
This subliminal crime
Lost in my mind
Lost in time


Song Nine
When I Am Feeling Sad
(It’s like rainbows turned upside down echoing my every smile)


When I am feeling the blues
And I am feeling sad
I think of all my favorite things
And then I no longer feel bad
And this world once again feels like a heavenly place
And puts a smile on my face

When I am feeling the blues
And I am feeling sad
I think of all my favorite things
And then I no longer feel bad
And this world once again feels like a heavenly place
And puts a smile on my face


Sunrise view from my balcony
Birds chirping every morning
Silver lining in every cloud in the skies
Rainbows turned upside down echoing my every smile
Smell of fresh cut grass with sprinklers on
Walking barefoot feels like a new romance
April showers that make me feel like I am in love
Raindrops that feel like dew drops from heaven above
Watching the sunset on the shoreline coast
My racing boat and my champaign toast
My favorite Redwood tree with hammock on a deserted island
My favorite beach with endless white sand
Snowcapped mountains with breathtaking waterfall
Path below strewn with streams and rocks in a sprawl
Comforter in my favorite color of downy clouds of white
My favorite dress and my very favorite guy
Icecream sundae with caramel toppings
Hot chcolate with marshmellow feels comforting
Perfect tropical weather with ocean smell in the air
Box of candies that I cannot get enough of not fair
Long stemmed roses that came with it in a beautiful vase
With a beautiful card calligraphed with my very own name
My favorite rock music at full blast
My red dancing shoes that makes me last
First day of snow through my window a heavenly sight
Snow sledding feels like a kid in me making it right
Friday night watching horror movies a scream
Brad Pitt my date a hooray dream
Letting my hair down and welcoming the world with open arms
I am so glad I am alive and this world once again feels like a charm


When I am feeling sad
And this world feels like a lonely place
I think of all my favorite things
And this world all of sudden feels like an inredibly beautiful place

When I am feeling sad
And this world feels like a lonely place
I think of all my favorite things
And this world all of sudden feels like an incredibly beautiful place


Song Ten
Life Is Meant To Be Lived With Regrets
(Life always will be a little bit of love and a little bit of regret)

When life feels like a dead end go out and touch someone
When life feels meaningless learn to let go and smile again
When life feels hopeless choose to be happy and live again
When everything around you feels like one big mess
Realize lfe will always be a liitle bit of love and little bit of regrets

Life is meant to be lived with regrets
It’s ultimately about paying your due respects
Live life large like there’s no tomorrow
Do not make choices which leads to sorrow
Few mistakes we all make are simply lessons learnt
Few we don’t maybe opportunities lost and bridges burnt
If you do not take a chance on life you will never find out
Sometimes love is something you chase after instead of sitting it out
In this life things don’t always come easy
Grab happiness from life even if it gets busy
In this world there are no gauruntees in life
Take time to smell the roses and feel alive
Live life like it is meant to be conqered
Chase after your dreams and fulfil it and make it yours forever
Life will always come with ups and downs
Few highs and lows that will always come your way and meant to surmount
In this life sorrow is something nobody can escape
No matter where you hide or which path you take
People will give you rope to hang yourself
Learn to kick them hard and kick them back and respect yourself
Always face your fears head on no matter what and at life’s every bend
Never ever surrender even if it is till the very end
What good is this life if you haven’t lived it with regrets
It just means you have lived life and payed it it’s due respect
When life feels like a dead end go out and touch someone
When life feels meaningless learn to let go and smile again
When life feels hopeless choose to be happy and live again
When everything around you feels like one big mess
Realize lfe will always be a little bit of love and little bit of regrets





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