Ode to Ode
I am a mover, a shaker, a music maker
I am a dreamer of dreams
Dreams big enough to swallow me whole
With hope, and fear, and longing;
Dreams that make friends quirk their head
And furrow their brow, and implore me
"... but you have a back-up plan, right?"
I want to sing the song of myself
And sing the songs of others
To sing of life, love, hope, despair,
And all that lies between
To share with the world
Things I never could with speech alone.
I am a world-loser and world-forsaker
And am unafraid to turn my back to what I once knew;
I'll kiss the scorching sun and swaying palms of home goodbye
And go on my merry way
To something much bigger than what I once called home can offer.
I shall go forth and conquer my crown
Whether that may be
In the dreary rain, snow, flood, or drought
And through the boggy mire of uncertainty.
I'll hum a deathless ditty along the way-
The song of myself-
And let it ring through the trees long after I have left.
I still have yet to learn my song
The song that shall be my life, my love, my legacy.
I hope it sounds beautiful.