An Ode to the Leaders Attending the UN Conference.
(The mind is a fragrance of the brain. To change minds the brains have to be healed. Our leaders keep trying to change minds and so nothing changes.)
I have figured out theFundamental problem
With the world
And have tried to get it across
But our leaders are caught
In their own spin.
So they all try
To make life better
They want others to duplicate
And support the effectively successful
Work they are doing.
They all talk about changing the mindset
It is very clear that
They all lump together
The brain and mind as just the mind.
The reality is
The brain and mind
Are two separate entities
In fact the mind
Is a fragrance of the brain.
The mind is a reflection of the brain
And our experts and leaders
Keep trying to change the reflection
The results are obvious
Society is as messed up as ever.
To improve a fragrance
The source of the fragrance has to improve
To improve the mind
The brain has to heal.
And in the right order of things
The brain is like a limb of the mind
So it is not about changing the mindset
It is all about changing the brainset.
But the problem is
Most brains out there is no limb
Under the full control of the mind
Instead, it is the brain controlling the mind.
The cream of the cream
Of world-changing leaders
All trying to further the cause
Of making the world better
By sharing their own excellent successes.
As long as they keep trying
To change the mindset
And leave the emotionally
Challenged brainset alone
Not much will change.
They definitely equip the world
With new world improving knowledge
They make a great difference
By improving the mind's knowledge
But for the vast majority
Out there in the real world
It is the emotional baggage
In the brain that needs to be cleaned.
And all those leaders who are at war
They think their minds are controlling their world
Their own emotionally challenged brain is controlling them.
It is less about changing the mindset
It is all about changing the brainset!
Unfortunately, our leaders are busy
Trying to change the mindset
When it is the Brainset
That needs changing.
It is less about changing the mindset
It is all about changing the brainset!