Ode to Daisy Garcia

R.I.P. Daisy Ylesia Garcia


Daisy Ylesia Garcia was born on the 24th of May

Her presence on earth was an ultimate delight

Because if you knew Day

You’ll know she made everything all right

I’m not saying that she was perfect

Because none of us are

She made mistakes everyday

She didn’t draw the lines between wrong and correct

She got mixed up in drugs, gangs, and more

Somehow I tagged in with her along the way


We started hanging with the wrong crowd

I wanted better for her, for us to get back

Back to the studious kids making parents proud

We changed our ways after a while and was back on track

We grew to be best friends

We did everything imaginable together

Even started a clique at school

Vowed to stay linked until the end

After five years our friendship was never severed

We even walked the stage together, ready for High School


But sadly we never made it to that chapter

We didn’t even get to celebrate, seeing as a week later

It was July 4th and we popped firecrackers

And that night was the night they took her

She was only fourteen years old

Just beginning her adventurous meaningful life

Yes she made mistakes but she didn’t deserve this

‘You have your lives ahead of you’ is what we’re told

But those people don’t control what marks the end of these lives

Now I see how tomorrow is never promised


Now that I look at it, this experience was not a tragedy

More so a wonderful lesson

So in memory of Daisy

I’ll bow my head and send her my blessings



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