Ode to Cookie
Ode to my dog.
You stare at me all day long,
Wondering if we can play,
But at even the most dreadful days,
You come and cheer me up,
I don’t care if you got cancer,
I’ll love you in anyway,
You always meant something to me,
But no on seemed to notice,
They say you are weak and old,
I think your young and bold,
I don’t care if you got cancer I’ll play with every day,
Hopefully the cancer will go away,
So you can run around again,
I hate to see you in this way,
It hurts me every day,
But now that your gone,
I’ll keep an eye on you,
When I see you in the skies,
To the best dog in the world,
Cookie Faith Davenport
This poem is about:
My family
Guide that inspired this poem: