In the Ocean
Once upon a time...
There was a girl with hair of a deep crimson and eyes a deep sea blue
Her body was slim and usual
Until her tail of some strange sea-creature began at her waist
Ariel, her name, wanted nothing more than to escape the deep blue trenches.
It was not until she found a reason to leave that she did
He was a man
Unlike any other
So she dealt with that sea witch.
Legs sprouted
Her tail was nothing
As she swam to shore the witch took back her words
Ariel was sucked into the vortex of a neverending whirlpool
Her deal had been a lie
She was no longer
She would never be
She would never walk
She would never love
That is the demise of those who trust witches
That is the demise of those who beg to be too close to the sun.