The Occean of Tears
Hot tears trickle down a thousand cheeks.
Untold, unknown and unseen flow the creeks
To form an unfathomable ocean –
The ocean, where woes have no dimension.
Alone, she sits and sobs in the dark night.
Her little darlings under a forced plight
Sleep famished, under a contorted roof.
The poor widow’s grief – how will she face life?
Into the rubbles they stare and whimper
On what has turned into bricks and timber.
Once it was their home, dream house and shelter.
While they cry, the War Lords roar with laughter.
The tears of a lost love hardly roll
For they turn to fumes right on the eyeball.
The darling beloved who takes love for fun
Lo! Leaves the true love, in oblivion.
While cheerfully some children run and play
Silently a slender soul stands away.
Unaware, a drop of tear falls down
His hollowed cheek – he is but an orphan.
The tears trickle down a thousand cheeks.
In the ocean of tears merge the creeks.
Maybe we cannot drain the vast ocean
Yet, shouldn’t we wipe some tears, if we can?