The Numbers
You suddenly see a set of random numbers, such as 374251. What comes to mind? Use as few or as many of those numbers as you wish, rearrange them at will, play with them as you see fit, and tell us what those new numbers represent to you. Be creative with your answer.
I think of science
I think of math
I think of “old school” clocks and pedals on a daisy gifted by a lover of poetry
I think of the way numbers flow together like an endless river of conscience
I think that 3.14 is the start of a number so magnificent that it has cracked the minds of thousands of mathematicians with its sheer simplicity yet is engraved into the minds of children before they can count to 100 in a different language
I think that on the color wheel of life 374251 is a shade of resonated with its red, green, and blue brothers that is does not teeter away from the light nor fall into the darkness, it is the essence of symmetry yet so many do not favor its complexion
I think that 143, "I love you" flows so easily off the tongue of a 7 year old child with 3 less teeth than she wants, telling her 2 parents that she sees the world through looking glasses covered in the blue waves of her own imagination.
I think that it only took 4,224 pages and 7 books to redefine my entire childhood to believe that magic was granted to those who were chosen and that the boy with the lightning scar was too old think about as I wrapped my head around the next 1,155 pages of a 3 part series of a girl on fire. This was my childhood.
But now, I think of an old joke which makes the wrinkles of my smile shine bright in the sunlight as 4 is considered a study group, but 5 is a party.
Yet, I wonder that it takes 2 to make a pair which is only 1 away from being lonely...
And I know now that in 374,251 seconds I will be 4.332 days older than I am in existence at this moment in time, and time means life in this parallel universe, so I am going make the best of it and become someone I am proud to show the world.
Numbers defined the significance of pages in each story that I lived. Over each binding, sliding down each copyright date I expanded these numbers to reach an unknown number. Any random number can mean anything.
But numbers also define the essence of society itself, every building, every car, every beating soul there is a number and I am just 1 of those 25,340 that live in the town I call my home away from home.
And with each new number I am reminded how small I am, how I am 1 in 7.125 billion, a large, never ending, form of 3.14, a number to confuse the greatest minds of the century, but then it dawns on only takes 1 to make a difference.