I can’t remember how it feels to feel
I want to feel again.
Anger, sadness,
Even hatred.
I beg you,
If you’re up there,
Just let me feel something once more.
Just once is enough…
I know nothing will happen,
That I’m just screaming into a void.
Yet, I still try.
Chasing empty salvation.
Beggars can’t be choosers
But nobody’s even willing to give me a scrap.
It’s as if they can’t see me.
It’s like I don’t exist.
Because even though they can’t see the wind,
To them, it still exists.
Whether as a nice gift on a hot summer day
Or as a curse accompanying them through the freezing alleys.
And yet,
I don’t even feel jealous.
I just sit there,
And waiting.
Staring unblinkingly
As the clock ticks and the pendulum swings.
Well it shouldn’t matter, right?
The clock will eventually expire
And the pendulum will slow to a stop.
Maybe it’ll be a relief
When my gong stops sounding.
But then, I hear a sound.
It sounded like a word.
A very familiar word.
It’s on the tip of my tongue.
It’s my name...
I had almost forgotten it
Even though it’s the only thing I own.
I look up and see an angel.
Perhaps I’m dreaming-
She’s holding out her hand invitingly,
With a smile sweeter than sugar
And a mellow voice.
But I didn’t hesitate to take it
Because my mind no longer knew apprehension.
Her hand was solid
And warm.
It amazed me
Because I’d forgotten the warmth of a companion.
And the smile was for me
Even though others wouldn’t spare me a glance.
And for the first time in this prison,
I felt something new.
I didn’t know what it’s called
And it was fleeting,
But it was there.
And it whispered to me,
“Hope comes when the hopeless let it in.”
The invisible glass cage then shattered
Just as a tear rolled down my face.