Now this here's a story


United States
38° 0' 24.264" N, 122° 15' 34.9812" W

Now this here's a story all about how
Our lives got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a second for you all to hear
About how it got so messed up through the years

First off we started wrong, Adam and Eve
Ate from the tree thinking God wouldn't see
Little did they know God sees everything
Yeah he punished them..but he still let them breathe

So many years later
But recently in fact
We came up with some haters
The twin towers were attacked

We found out it was Al Qaeda
And we thought that it was jacked
So we used it as a reason to go invade Iraq

Old wars showed taking lives and wasting money
So why are we doing this?
This questions pretty funny

So far so poor
There is no glee
After every war
There's poverty

Because of poverty theres homelessness
People hungry poor and sick
Looking for soup kitchens
And all around the world
There are financial needs
Aren't you too tired of these injustices

But this is nothin
Compared to Uganda
Where the children walk at night
And sleep in verandahs

Fearing for their lives
All day and night
Running from the LRA
Do you think that this is right?

Recently there's been so many things
That have been going around our world unseen
Society always tries to hide it
But doing that man, it wont solve shhh

So when its like you're slipping in your thinking
And your slacking in your thanking
Look up to God and say a prayer about what's happening


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