To Notice
She sinks, Zoloft blue and sulking purples
“I just want to feel normal.”
A dawn of pitch midnight, starless and cold
Splintered planks groan underneath
Fresh air catches and turns bitter as she stands
“Thick.” “Ugly.” “Fat.”
Haunting they stoop, waiting
Night vultures on decrepit metal railing
Watching for the glistening tear
“You’ve got such a pretty face.”
A watery downcast gaze into rolls of oblivion
Angry red marks that grew too fast
Pants with threadbare thighs
“You’ll grow out of it.”
Six years, two hundred and thirty
Trying to shrink back like an Arctic wave from the edge
Freezing so that it may swell no more
“Have you lost weight?”
Numbers flashing on a backlit screen
Empty air that shatters into nothing
Choking back a wounded soul
“You’re a good person.”
A warm gentle rain, luminescent and clean
Stomach and thighs forgotten in the gray halls
The vultures flock elsewhere as night falls away
Silently leaving their empowered quarry behind
Is this how it feels
To be blessed and kept?
Found with eyes that gleam of humanity
Their depths strong because of the world
But what then
Of those who are lost?
Simply carried away piece by piece as the scavengers feed
And no one dares to notice.