This is Not for You, but You!
It seemed only right, because this is seen as a joke.
So many lives taken, or stolen to say the least.
Still, this is not for you.
Te-Te, Pierre, Hydia, Jonylah, Ashley; Tiffany, Lil Snupe, JoJo and those other 200+ souls. Those are only a few people who fell victim to the hate. These were the soldiers who now have Instagram pages roaring with their stories. But this is not for you.
But this is for the ones that pulled the trigger. For the ones who felt your lives were nothing and needed to be taken so soon. The people who wanted to prove that they were tough. Cowards that chose to gain the aid of a gun instead of the armor of God.
Still, you all are not alone. You are accompanied by the people of the city, our so called leaders. The Rahm Emmanuels, Pat Quinns, Chicago Police Departments, and other spectators voicing opinions but not creating a change. This is for you.
This is for that city known as “Chiraq”, the wannabe thugs and hardcore kids. WAKE UP I say to my generation. You are more than what society calls you to be. We are more than what they have lessened our demeanor to being. This is for us.
Generation, we are stronger than the media. We were raised made to break barriers and change the world for the better. Change is still able to happen, but by eliminating our time, the future will not be able to consult the blueprints.
So step up. Make right what we made wrong. Instead of staining the white pavement with the red paint, change it to purple. We are royalty, and it is time we know it. No longer is this song for us