Not a Hero, Nor a Princess
In dreams filled with glory and pride.
Saving my people like The Great Esther,
I found myself believing.
California, swimsuit bodies apply to all
But I must check another box,
And Raid has become my friend
To help defend my crumbling castle.
The news tells of shootings in places I have not yet seen,
And crowds of people calling me an anchor.
A man calls my parents criminals,
The crowd cheers.
Yet there is no stopping him, them, or anyone,
As I sit on the couch.
Not a noble’s daughter,
Nor superhuman.
I cannot save everyone,
I cannot have it all.
Yet satisfaction comes from one word:
By teaching others how to use their voice,
I become the scientist,
Creating heroes.
I may not live in a palace,
with people there to wait on me,
But I will live in peace with the knowledge,
That that life was never meant for me.
I am not Esther,
Yet I am me.