Not Everyone Wakes Up The Same Way
I woke up startled by my dream
Lately I've been waking up filled with anxiety again
I dont like going back to this
Hearing the birds chirp
Seeing the light but somehow not being able to grasp it
Grasp the idea that I have to get out of my bed and let everyone know im alive
Because in this moment I dont want to be here
I want to be asleep
But then I remember you lovingly telling me that youre proud of me
Proud of such things that people around me dont see
Proud of the fact that I manage to get out of bed everyday
You text me "good morning"
Seeing your name pop up on my phone screen gives me a rush of motivation
So I take a deep breath
And I say not everyone greets their day like in the movies
I inhale and exhale once again and whisper quietly "one day at a time"
And roll out of bed to do what im supposed to
- M.S